Baker Consulting Group was contracted by the San Jose, Sacramento and Treasure Island Job Corps to create a robust DIGITAL STRATEGY applying best practices tools, technologies and frameworks to best engage Millennials, allow Stakeholders to capture share of mind, and facilitate collective Center and Program goals.
❖Tools: user friendly built for students, employers, and partners
❖Technologies: scalable, secure and integrated to serve needs of all; mobile dominant
❖Frameworks: community centric to drive “network effect” where each additional participant amplifies the power of the strategy and programs
❖Is a multi-social media marketing campaign focused around students and young adults
❖@KNOWYOURWORTH represents the core Job Corps values: Safety, Individual Accountability, Respect, Integrity, Growth, and Commitment
❖@KNOWYOURWORTH reinforces self-empowerment, self-esteem and self-worth
❖@KNOWYOURWORTH raises awareness of the skills training, meaningful jobs and employment opportunities available through Job Corps.
❖The #KNOWYOURWORTH hashtag will be posted on various social media channels and internal networks.
Design and deliver Community Events catalyzing content creation; pairing digital efforts with tangible, real world activities; and feeding social and newsletter content
❖Target Audience: Custom; 100-200 persons
❖Content source: -Talent -Community Organizations -Applicant Influencers/Guardians and Potential Applicants -Prospective Employers -Top Job Corps Students
Create and distribute a periodic eNewsletter with stories that highlight both students and Job Corps professionals
❖Target audience: Applicant Influencers/Guardians and Potential Applicants
❖Content source: -Instructors (local & regional) -Employers -Alumni/Current Students
❖ Content type: -Text -Image -Video
Encourage students to create, post and share news stories about Job Corps and millennial culture/lifestyle.
Social media channels will feature retweets, shares, hashtag mentions and fan engagement through the BCG influencer amplification service
❖Target audience: Potential applicants
❖Content source: -Current students at various stages of program -Alumni with graduation and job placement success -Student activities highlighting benefits and value
❖Content type: -Text -Image -Video
❖Baker Consulting Group exceeded its 90-day goal by 251% measured by reach, surveys completed, site visits and application packets completed.
❖Combined Center OBS score increased 18.5% over the 90-day period offering a 221% ROI on outreach and admission efficiency.
The HBI/Home Depot/100 Black Men of America is a 4-year collaborative initiative that recruits, trains, certifies, and secures work-based learning opportunies for underserved young adults, 16-25, in four cities: Atlanta, Oakland, Philadelphia, and Las Vegas.
Throughout the year, students complete a 16-week Pre-Apprentice Certificate Training (PACT) program. The goal is to increase the certification of underrepresented youth in each market, in the HBI PACT Core curriculum, and secure work-based learning jobs.
Ultimately this initiative has increased the diversity of the construction industry by ensuring greater inclusion of underrepresented population in the trades.
❖ Total Students Registered: 535
❖ Total Students Completing Certification: 375
❖ Total Students with Work-Based Learning Jobs: 244